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About Us

Who We Are



Micronomix, LLC is pleased to introduce the Micronomix product line, a powerful tool utilizing the most advanced biotechnology to deliver the most affordable and effective solutions across all industries. Harnessing a unique, synergistic blend of naturally occurring bacteria, enzymes and micronutrients the product is able to rapidly convert and rehabilitate toxic waste elements and transform them into viable nutrients for the environment. No matter what challenges you are facing, our solutions can help you no matter how dire the conditions may seem.


We provide products, process solutions and training to waste water treatment plants, food processors, industrial manufacturers, farmers, golf courses, animal husbandry centers, as well as oil, gas and coal plants.


Micronomix's proprietary formulations provide superior quality products with unprecedented and unmatched results. Consequently, the Micronomix line of products has gained wide support in multiple international markets.


For the agricultural industry, we provide farmers with a healthy soil which improves crop yield and quality, reduces water consumption, prevents diseases, and sequesters carbon.


Developed by Italy’s top agricultural scientists and perfected over 40 years, Micronomix® is becoming recognized as the solution for farmers across the globe who are looking for advanced technologies to restore their land and grow healthier crops. The evidence is in the field and on your table. Micronomix® performs a vital function of making all nutrients and elements in the soil bio-available to crops, enabling them to grow optimally, producing healthy nutrient rich produce. Systematic use will restore the soils to ideal conditions and allow plants to produce their own phytoalexins allowing them to naturally protect themselves.


Our Vision

Our Vision

Our vision is simple, it's all about balance. We start by looking at where there are deficiencies or imbalances in the environment and then work to bring back harmony. In doing so we have created a line of products that greatly benefit the environment in any and every application. Not only can we rehabilitate the environment from toxicity but we can make it stronger and healthier than ever before for future generations, sequestering carbon indefinitely. We endeavor to rehabilitate the negative impacts that man has had on our ecosystems. It's our goal to turn destructive practices into beneficial ones which will restore our soils and water to "Garden of Eden" quality.

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